
Rethinking our classroom

Benicàssim (Spain)

The way in which children learn and develop their skills is changing, and educators and facilitators need to connect specific contents and learning objectives with the way of delivering them. In order to achieve this, this activity will consist of theoretical and practical training on Active pedagogies.

Dates: 10/10/2022 – 15/10/2022

DAY 1: Introduction to active pedagogies and experiential learning.

DAY 2: Design of educational spaces: materials and pedagogical structures; How to include active pedagogies in the classroom: what do I need to know? 

DAY 3: Focusing on the emotions: how to support children emotionally?

DAY 4: WHAT DO WE HAVE? Visit to the CEIP Eleuterio Perez: this part will be useful for the participants in order to see the resources, facilities and spaces that the school has to later discuss and brainstorm about what can be done.

DAY 5: Practical workshop: WHAT CAN WE DO? using manipulable material; creating material.



Rethinking our learning spaces

Rome (Italy)

Focused on green pedagogies in outdoor education. Similar to the previous one, it will consist of a theoretical part, in which participants will have the chance to ask questions and doubts, and a practical training, so that it is easier for teachers to implement the lessons learnt in their classrooms.

Dates: 28 November to 2 December 2022

DAY 1: Introduction to green pedagogies: forest kindergarten pedagogy a useful and necessary alternative. The origin of the Waldkindergarten Flensburg as reference. What role does the connection to nature play and how can I integrate nature as a valuable educator?

DAY 2: How to implement green pedagogies in the school? Nature inside the classroom and classroom in nature.What do I have to consider in the forest to experience a harmonious and safe day in the forest with the children’s group.

DAY 3: NATURE AND CHILDREN: What role does the connection to nature play and how can I integrate nature as a valuable educator? How healthy interaction with nature play a fundamental role for the emotional intelligence and development (by Treecanopy)

DAY 4: IC Fregene Passoscuro school visit: spaces and resources. Assessment, evaluation and brainstorm about spaces, location and general resources to best fit in the paradigm of Outdoor education.

DAY 5: Practical workshop: game, playing and interaction with natural material turn to be an unsurpassed teacher for the children. Let the children discover how learning process relaxing and enjoyable can be.



Real experience of outdoor learning


Real experience in an outdoor schools for the schools participating in the project. This will allow the participants to gather ideas for the PR2, while learning how it is possible to implement outdoor activities to adapt it to a public elementary school during PR2.

Dates: 28 March to 31 March  2023

Day 1: Observation at Lauko Darželis school and kindergarten, with opportunities for questions and observation of facilities, areas, and daily activities. Job shadowing + reflection and shared discussion on how similar experiences are included in the didactic unit’s draft.

Day 2: Further observation with participants switching locations (school/kindergarten), followed by a discussion on the connection between kindergarten and primary education.

Day 3: Technical questions day related to outdoor learning, covering necessary materials and resources, communication with parents, structuring timetables, and integrating school curriculum.

Day 4: Feedback session on the didactic units.
